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Basic Wallet Operations

This guide explains the Web3 operations of the Arcana wallet and how users can access different functions through its UI. Developers looking to enable these operations programmatically in their apps can refer to the Arcana wallet Developer Guides.


  • To use the Arcana wallet, users must log in to a Web3 app that is integrated with the Arcana Auth SDK.

  • Depending on the type of blockchain signing experience set up by the app developer, the Arcana wallet may appear only when a blockchain transaction is triggered, or it may be visible at all times once the user logs in.

Wallet Display

When a user logs into an app integrated with the Arcana Auth SDK, they can access the Arcana wallet from within the app context itself. Users are not required to install any wallet extension.

The wallet shows up on the left or right side of the app screen based on how the developer specifies the wallet position parameter during the SDK integration. At first, the wallet appears in a compact form within the app.

Arcana WalletIn-app Arcana Wallet
In-app Arcana Wallet

Users can click on it to maximize the wallet view.

Arcana Wallet
Arcana Wallet

Starter Tips

Upon first logging into the app integrated with the Arcana Auth SDK, the wallet starter tips activate automatically for each authenticated user.

The starter tips showcase different wallet screens. It demonstrates various screen elements for accessing wallet features. Users can navigate the tips using the Next and Previous buttons at the bottom of the wallet screen. Users can access the wallet home screen by using the Skip button at the top right.

Wallet Starter Tips
Wallet Starter Tips

Arcana wallet Features

Authenticated users can perform the following Web3 wallet operations through the wallet UI:

  • Sign (approve, reject) blockchain transactions
  • Add and configure network settings
  • Switch networks
  • Switch Account Type (EoA/SCW)
  • Manage token assets (native and custom)
    • Check account balance
    • List token assets
    • Add custom tokens (ERC-20)
    • Send and receive tokens
    • Buy/Sell cryptocurrency
  • Manage NFTs
    • List NFT assets
    • View NFT details
    • Send NFTs (ERC-721, ERC-1155)
    • Add NFTs
    • Modify (edit, delete) NFTs
  • View user profile details
  • Monitor blockchain transaction activity
  • Export private key
  • Logout

Users can access various Web3 wallet operations supported by the Arcana wallet using the following tabs located at the bottom of the wallet:

  • Token Assets Tab
  • NFT Assets Tab
  • User Profile Tab
  • Activity Notifications Tab

Sign Transaction

A blockchain sign transaction can be triggered either by the app, programmatically, or in response to a user action in the Arcana wallet UI. A blockchain transaction results in a notification, as displayed in the figure below. Users can scroll down and see details of the request before selecting one of the options to Reject or Approve the transaction.

Sign Transactions
Sign Transactions

If the user does not take any action for the transaction notification but chooses to ignore it using the 'Do this later' option, in the Arcana wallet, the wallet switches to the 'Token Assets' tab view.

Pending transactions are highlighted in the minimized wallet state with a red dot.

Pending Transactions
Pending Transactions

Once the user takes action on the pending transaction notification, it disappears from the 'Activity' tab view.

Add/Select a Network

By default, the Arcana wallet UI displays a pre-configured list of blockchain networks. Users can select a different network from the drop-down list or add newer networks that are supported by the product.

To add or select a network, click the dropdown next to the blockchain network icon on the top right: Network Icon

You can either choose one of the available networks to switch or add a new one.

Add Network
Add Network
  • Click Add Network
  • Add the following details:
    • Network Name: Name of the network. For example, Shardeum
    • RPC URL:
    • Chain ID: 8080
    • Currency Symbol: SHM
    • Explorer URL (Optional):

Once you click Save, the newly added network is automatically selected as the current active chain in wallet UI.

Network List
Network List

Switch Network

To switch the existing network using the wallet UI, click on the dropdown next to the network icon on the top right of the wallet UI:

You will see a list of pre-configured blockchain networks available in the current application's context. Simply click one of the available networks to switch networks.

Switch Network
Switch Network

View/Switch Account Type

If the current active blockchain in the wallet supports gasless transactions then the user account is associated with two addresses, EoA and SCW.

Account Type is listed below the wallet address in the wallet UI.

View Account Type
View Account Type

To switch the account type, click on the arrow next to the wallet address and select EoA/SCW. If the default active chain does not support gasless transactions then there is only EoA address associated with the user's wallet. In this case user cannot switch to SCW or smart wallet account.

Switch Account Type
Switch Account Type

Buy/Sell Crypto

Arcana wallet allows users to buy and sell crypto by integrating with third-party providers.

Fiat On-ramp

Fiat on-ramping allows Arcana wallet users to buy cryptocurrency using fiat through one of the supported providers:

Users can purchase ERC20 or native tokens for supported blockchains from the chosen on-ramp provider. The Arcana wallet balance updates automatically after the transaction completes.

Select the 'Tokens' tab in the Arcana wallet. Select one of the chains from the drop-down list of pre-configured blockchain networks. This choice will govern what cryptocurrencies and tokens can be purchased, subject to local country-specific rules.

Click Buy to initiate the fiat on-ramp process through the Arcana wallet on the selected blockchain network.

Buy Crypto
Buy Crypto

You will see the list of available fiat on-ramp providers:

On Ramp Providers
On Ramp Providers

Pick up one of the providers and click Proceed. Clicking will open the provider-specific interface in a new tab. Arcana wallet will notify you of the 'buy' process. Dismiss it and continue to use the wallet while the crypto purchase happens in parallel on another tab on the provider's site.

Confirm Buy Transaction
Confirm Buy Transaction

Fiat on-ramp providers may ask the user to follow country-specific procedures for KYC and list available cryptocurrencies for the selected chain. Note that the basic minimum purchase amount for a country or cryptocurrency may vary across countries and providers.


Transak requires each user to complete KYC by submitting country-specific identification documents. Once the verification is complete, the user can purchase the cryptocurrency with Transak. This verification is a one-time thing and subsequent purchases will not require this additional step. The figure below shows an example of a purchase transaction using Transak.

Using Transak
Using Transak

For step-by-step details on buying crypto assets, see the supported provider documentation:

For details on what assets and cryptocurrency, countries these providers support, refer to provider documentation:

Current Limitations

  1. Purchased ERC20, ERC721 token assets will not be automatically updated in the Arcana wallet assets screen. Users will need to manually add custom tokens purchased via on-ramp providers, as these providers do not provide the contract address of the purchased token.

  2. You will not see any activity listed for a successful purchase when you click on the notification tab of the Arcana wallet UI. There is no uniform standard whereby on-ramp providers share this information or 'event' regarding purchase. We may add it in future releases.

Fiat Off-ramp

Fiat off-ramping allows Arcana wallet users to sell cryptocurrency using fiat through one of the supported providers:

Users can initiate ERC20 tokens or native cryptocurrency sell transactions for supported blockchains via Arcana wallet. The chosen off-ramp provider executes the 'sell' and deposits proceeds into the configured bank account. The Arcana wallet updates the balance automatically when the transaction completes.

Click the 'Tokens' tab in the Arcana wallet. Select one of the chains from the drop-down list of pre-configured blockchain networks. This choice will govern what cryptocurrencies and tokens can be sold, subject to local country-specific rules.

Click Sell to initiate the fiat off-ramp process through the Arcana wallet on the selected blockchain network.

Sell Crypto
Sell Crypto

The list of available fiat off-ramp providers is displayed:

Off-Ramp Providers
Off-Ramp Providers

Pick up one of the providers and click Proceed.

Clicking opens the provider-specific interface in a new tab. Proceed on the provider site to sell. Arcana wallet notifies you of the 'sell' initiation. Dismiss it and resume wallet use in another tab; selling happens in parallel at the provider site.

Confirm Sell Transaction
Confirm Sell Transaction

Fiat off-ramp providers may ask the user to follow country-specific procedures for KYC and list available cryptocurrencies for the selected chain. Note that the basic maximum sell amount for a country or cryptocurrency may vary across countries and providers.


Transak requires each user to complete KYC by submitting country-specific identification documents. Once the verification is complete, the user can sell cryptocurrency via Transak. This verification is a one-time thing; subsequent purchases will not require this additional step. The figure below shows an example of a sell transaction using Transak.

Using Transak
Using Transak

For step-by-step details on buying crypto assets, see the supported provider documentation:

For details on what assets and cryptocurrencies, countries these providers support, refer to provider documentation:

The activity tab in the Arcana wallet UI will display the details of the 'sell' transaction issued from the wallet.

Manage Token Assets

Click the 'Tokens' tab on the bottom left of the Arcana wallet to bring up the token assets screen. It displays the following information:

  • View, and copy the Arcana wallet address
  • View wallet address details on the Block Explorer
  • Add/Select network
  • Refresh the wallet UI
  • View the total wallet balance in the native currency
  • List native and custom tokens in the wallet
  • Add new custom tokens
  • Send and receive native and custom tokens
  • View token asset activities - which native or custom tokens requests were sent, whether the status is confirmed or pending, etc.

For more details, see how to view, select, send, receive tokens, add custom tokens using the Arcana wallet UI.

Manage NFT Assets

Click the 'NFT' tab on the bottom of the Arcana wallet UI to view and manage NFTs associated with the wallet address on the selected blockchain network. The following NFT operations can be performed by the authenticated user:

General Wallet Operations

  • View, and copy the Arcana wallet address
  • View wallet address details on the 'Block Explorer' associated with the selected network
  • Refresh the wallet UI
  • Add/Select network

NFT Operations

  • List NFT assets associated with the wallet address
  • View NFT details
  • Send NFT
  • Receive NFT
  • Manage NFTs

    • Add an NFT
    • Edit NFT entry
    • Delete NFT entry
NFT Assets
NFT Assets

For details, see how Web3 app users can send NFTs, manage NFTs and monitor NFT transactions through the Arcana wallet.

View User Profile Details

Click the 'Profile' tab on the bottom of the Arcana wallet to see the user profile details:

  • User name
  • Email ID used to log into the wallet
  • Active Network
  • Wallet Address
  • Option to export the private key
  • Logout button
  • Minimize / Close button
User Profile
User Profile

Wallet Notifications

Click the 'Activity' tab on the bottom right of the Arcana wallet to view the wallet notifications screen.

The activity tab lists all transactions processed through the wallet for different digital assets such as native tokens, custom tokens, and NFTs. It also displays pending blockchain transactions, if any.

Wallet Activity
User Profile

Notification Example

Pending Contract Deployment Request

When a contract deployment request notification shows up, the user can click on 'Do it later' option. The request will be listed as a pending request in the 'Activity' tab of the wallet.

A red dot on the 'Activity' tab icon at the bottom right of the Arcana wallet indicates a pending blockchain transaction.

Click on the red dot to see details of the pending transaction and take appropriate action.

View Pending Notifications
View Pending Notifications

Export Private Key

Click the tab on the bottom left of the Arcana wallet to see the user profile screen. It provides an option to export the user's private key. For details, see how to export a user's private key guide.

Export Private Key
Export Private Key

Minimized Wallet State

The Arcana wallet is displayed as an embedded wallet within the context of the Web3 app that is integrated with The Arcana Auth SDK.

Right after a user authenticates, the wallet is displayed in its minimized state.

On clicking, it expands to display the wallet in its maximized state. It can be minimized again by clicking the '∨' icon on the top in the wallet UI.

View Transaction Summary & Details

If a blockchain transaction is triggered via the app that requires the user's approval, the user will see a transaction notification. If the wallet was in a minimized state at the time the request was generated, then the notification will show up with a summary of the transaction along with the buttons to approve or reject.

Transaction Notification
Transaction Notification

The user can click on the top right arrow icon in the transaction notification to view its details.

View Transaction Details
Transaction Notification

Here is an example of how an eth_sendTransaction triggers a transaction notification and approval request for the user. The send transaction notification summary is displayed:

Example: Send Transaction Notification
Example: Send Transaction Notification

In the case of the send transaction request or sign transaction request, the notification details allow the user to edit the gas fees before approving the request.

Send Transaction Details
Example: Send Transaction Notification

For other transactions that do not involve gas fees such as personal sign or signature requests, the notification details allow users to review transaction message details before taking an action to approve or reject.

Here is an example of a signature request notification summary:

Example: Signature Request Summary
Example: Signature Request Summary

On clicking the topmost arrow icon, the user can see the signature request transaction notification details view:

Example: Signature Request Details
Example: Signature Request Details


Click the tab at the bottom of the Arcana wallet UI to bring up the user profile tab view. Click Logout in the user profile tab view to log out.


That is all!

You are now well-versed with the Arcana wallet UI and how to perform blockchain transactions using the same.

What's Next?

Besides the basic Web3 wallet operations, the authenticated users can use the Arcana wallet to view and export their private keys and manage crypto assets such as tokens and NFTs.

See also

Last update: June 20, 2024 by shaloo, shaloo