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Gasless Transactions

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Arcana Auth SDK offers a built-in gasless transaction feature that allows gasless transactions on supported chains through the Arcana wallet.

To enable the gasless feature, configure gasless settings via the Arcana Developer Dashboard.

  • Set up gas tanks on one or more chains supported by the app
  • Deposit funds in the gas tank to pay for the gas fees
  • Whitelist app operations
  • Enable gas tanks

Then integrate the app with the Arcana Auth SDK and issue blockchain transactions via the standard EIP-1193 Ethereum provider, AuthProvider.

Issuing Gasless Ops

There are no special functions or additional input parameters for enabling gasless transactions via the Arcana wallet UI or programmatically in the app. The SDK automatically checks the gasless configuration settings. Only the whitelisted app operations issued via the user's SCW account incur zero gas fees.

Use SCW Account for Gasless

Users pay no gas fees for whitelisted app operations if the gas tanks are enabled on the blockchain network and have sufficient funds. The SCW account handles gasless transactions. If the EoA account is selected for a whitelisted operation, the user will incur gas fees.

Supported Chains

Not all supported chains allow gasless transactions. Refer to the supported networks for gasless transactions.

Also, the JSON/RPC and Web3 wallet operations supported via different chains may vary. Learn more...

Last update: July 23, 2024 by shaloo