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Get Started: React-Native Apps

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes

'React-Native' Web3 apps can easily onboard users via social login by integrating with the Arcana Auth React-Native SDK!


1. Register & Configure

2. Install SDK

For 'React-Native' Web3 apps, install the auth-react-native package.

npm i @arcana/auth-react-native
(cd ios && pod install)

Note: You are not required to manually link this module, as it supports React Native auto-linking.

Use latest SDKs

Use the latest Arcana Auth React-Native SDK release v0.0.4 available at npm.

3. Integrate

Use the unique client ID assigned to the app during registration to integrate with the SDK.

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Button, View } from "react-native";
import Auth from "@arcana/auth-react-native";

export default function App() {
  const authRef = React.useRef(null);

  return (
    <View >
      <Auth clientId="xar_test_xxx" theme="light" ref={authRef} />
<Auth clientId="xar_test_xxx" theme="dark" />

Onboard Users

Call Auth functions and onboard users through the configured authentication providers.

Arcana JWT Token

Upon successful authentication, Arcana Auth SDK returns a unique JWT token to the app called the Arcana JWT Token. App developers can access this token via getUser() method and refer to the loginToken field of the UserInfo object.

Developers can use this token to verify the user and subsequently generate another token for app use if required.

In the future, the Arcana JWT Token will be deprecated. Use userDIDToken to verify user.

Upon successful authentication, Arcana Auth SDK returns a unique DID token to the app called the Arcana DID Token. App developers can access this token via getUser() method and refer to the userDIDToken field of the UserInfo object.

Developers can use this token to verify the user and subsequently generate another token for app use.

Google Login*

// For logging in
const loginWithGoogle = () => {
  if(authRef !== null){
    authRef.current.loginWithSocial('google').then(() => {
      // logged in
    }).catch(err => {
      // already logged in
      // or error during login


Add code to provide user log out option via the logout method or let authenticated users log out using the wallet UI logout option in the 'User Profile' tab.

// Logout User from session
const logout = () => {
  if(authRef !== null){
    authRef.current.logout().then(() => {
      // on logout

Show/Hide Wallet

Once the user logs into the app, they can instantly access the Arcana wallet. Developers can choose to show and hide the wallet as required by the app.

// For showing wallet
const showWallet = () => {
  if(authRef !== null){

// For hiding wallet
const hideWallet = () => {
  if(authRef !== null){
// For getting logged in user info
const getUserInfo = async () => {
  if(authRef !== null){
    return authRef.current.getUserInfo();
// For getting current account
const getAccount = async () => {
  if(authRef !== null){
    return await authRef.current.getAccount();
return (
    <View >
        title={"Get User Info"}
        onPress={() =>
        title={"Send Transaction"}
        onPress={() =>
          sendTransaction({ to: '', value: '', data: '' })
        title={"Get Account"}
        onPress={() =>

        title={"Send Request"}
        onPress={() =>{
          sendRequest({ method:"", params:[] })
        title={"log out"}
        onPress={() => logout()}

Sign Transactions

Use authRef EIP-1193 provider to call JSON-RPC functions and Web3 wallet operations.

// For sending transaction
const sendTransaction = async data => {
  if(authRef !== null){
    return await authRef.current.sendTransaction(data);

// For getting current account balance
const getBalance = async () => {
  if(authRef !== null){
    return await authRef.current.getBalance();

// EIP 1193 request method
const request = async (method, params) => {
  if(authRef !== null){
    return await authRef.current.request({ method, params });

4. Deploy

That's all!

The 'React-Native' app is ready to onboard users and allow them to sign blockchain transactions.

See also

  • 'React-Native' integration example: See sample-auth-react-native submodule in Auth Examples

Arcana Auth React-Native SDK Quick Links

Last update: March 29, 2024 by shaloo