Integrate Wagmi App
Estimated time to read: 4 minutes
Wagmi is a React Hooks library for Ethereum that simplifies connecting Web3 apps to multiple wallets and chains.
Integrate 'Wagmi' apps with Arcana Auth SDK and onboard users via social login. Enable users to sign blockchain transactions with the in-app Arcana wallet.
- Register the 'Wagmi' app and configure SDK usage settings for social login providers, manage app manage app chains and wallet user experience.
Non-EVM Chains
When registering an app through Arcana Developer Dashboard, the choice of chain type (EVM, Solana, MultiversX, Near) is final. App developers can't change it later. They can switch the default chain within the same type. For example, a Solana app on Testnet can switch to Solana Mainnet or Solana Dev but not to MultiversX or an EVM chain.
1. Install
Wagmi 2.0
npm install --save @arcana/auth-wagmi@2.0.0 @arcana/auth@1.0.11
Wagmi 1.0
npm install --save @arcana/auth-wagmi@2.0.0 @arcana/auth
Wagmi 2.0
yarn add @arcana/auth-wagmi@2.0.0 @arcana/auth@1.0.11
Wagmi 1.0
yarn add @arcana/auth-wagmi@2.0.0 @arcana/auth
2. Create AuthProvider
& ArcanaConnector
Specify the Client ID assigned to the registered app to create the AuthProvider
. Then use the AuthProvider
to create ArcanaConnector
import { AuthProvider } from "@arcana/auth";
import { ArcanaConnector } from "@arcana/auth-wagmi"
const auth = new AuthProvider('your-client-id');
const connector = new ArcanaConnector({ auth });
Optional Parameters
Besides Client ID input parameter, you can optionally customize these settings in the AuthProvider
: wallet position within the app context - left
: wallet theme - light
: compact mode for the built-in plug-and-play login UI - true
connectOptions: {
compact: true // default - false
See AuthProvider
constructor parameters for details.
Compact Mode
While creating the AuthProvider
, you can choose the compact mode (optional) for the plug-and-play login UI.
3. Setup WagmiConfig
Create Wagmi config and specify the ArcanaConnector
import { http, createConfig } from 'wagmi'
import { mainnet, sepolia } from 'wagmi/chains'
import { coinbaseWallet, injected, walletConnect } from 'wagmi/connectors'
import { AuthProvider } from '@arcana/auth';
import { ArcanaConnector } from "@arcana/auth-wagmi"
let auth: AuthProvider | null;
if (!auth) {
auth = new AuthProvider(
export const connector = () => {
return new ArcanaConnector({auth,})
export const config = createConfig({
chains: [mainnet, sepolia],
connectors: [
coinbaseWallet({ appName: 'Create Wagmi' }),
walletConnect({ projectId: import.meta.env.VITE_WC_PROJECT_ID }),
transports: {
[]: http(),
[]: http(),
declare module 'wagmi' {
interface Register {
config: typeof config
// Note:
// This sample code is for
// wagmi versions 1.x.y and auth-wagmi 2.a.b
import { configureChains, createConfig, WagmiConfig } from "wagmi";
import { publicProvider } from "wagmi/providers/public";
import { ArcanaConnector } from "@arcana/auth-wagmi";
import { polygon, polygonAmoy } from "wagmi/chains";
import { newAuthProvider } from "./utils/newArcanaAuth";
import { useAccount, useConnect, useDisconnect, useBalance } from 'wagmi'
import "../styles/globals.css";
const { chains, provider, webSocketProvider } = configureChains(
[mainnet, polygon, polygonAmoy],
{ targetQuorum: 1 }
export const connector = (chains: Chain[]) => {
return new ArcanaConnector({
options: {
auth: newAuthProvider(),
login: {
provider: "google",
const { chains, publicClient } = configureChains(
[polygon, polygonAmoy],
export const wagmiEntity = createConfig({
autoConnect: true,
connectors: [connector(chains)],
The 'Wagmi' Web3 app is now integrated with the Arcana Auth SDK.
What's Next?
Onboard users via the built-in plug-and-play login UI or a custom login UI.
Use AuthProvider
, the EIP-1193 provider offered by the SDK, to call supported JSON/RPC functions and Web3 wallet operations in the authenticated user's context.
See also
'Wagmi' integration example: See sample-auth-wagmi-2`, `sample-auth-wagmi-viem`, `sample-auth-wagmi
submodule in SDK Example GitHub repository.
Arcana Auth SDK Quick Links
Arcana Auth Wagmi SDK Quick Links